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Tag : imovie tutoriel
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tutoriel after effect
tuto after effects
mac imovie
tuto after effect
tutoriel after effects
tuto after
tuto pour after effect
imovie 8
imovie 08
imovie pour mac
imovie 07
idvd imovie
imovie 09
imovie 06
tutoriel imovie 09
tuto imovie 09

Recently You Tuber, hazzer123daniels123 asked me about effects in iMovie. I do my level best here to explain them. Hopefully I'll get more articulate as I do more of these tutorial type videos.

Edit: Please not this is iMovie 06 which I got with the iLife package. In later versions of iMovie Apple removed most of the effects present in the older versions.. They did this because they are idiots. :)

code pour embarquer la vidéo : >>>    <<<


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