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Word 2007: Page numbers starting from a specific page

Guide to page numbers and sections in Word 2007.
You want the page numbering to start on a specific page with number 1. For example, a document with one title page, a second page for the Abstract and a third page for the Table of Content (ToC). The introduction starts on the fourth page, and that is where you want numbers, starting at 1.

The trick is to insert a section break. Each section can have its unique design, including its own page numbering system. By default, sections are linked to each other. This is something that we have to change. I will show you how to do that.

The first step is to put the blinking cursor at the beginning of the fourth page. Then, click the Page layout TAB, select insert section and make sure it is the next page-option. By doing this, you have created two separate section, that you can work with.

Then, to insert a page number in the second section, make sure you place the blinking cursor somewhere in section two. Then click the Insert Tab, select Insert page number. (In this example, I will put those numbers in the bottom, centre.)

Now it is time to break the link. Because the two sections that we created are linked to each other, the page numbering is not correct at the moment. Click once on the link button, to break that link.

While you are still in the second section of your document, re-format the page numbering for this section. You do that by clicking on the Insert TAB, selecting Format page numbers. Make sure it says Start with number 1. Then click OK.

Lastly, it is time to remove the page numbers from the first section. Simply go to that section and select a page number, and delete it.

Double-click anywhere in the text to leave the footer.

This results in two sections, with two separate numbering systems. There are no number on the first pages, and, in the second section, there is a new page numbering system.

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