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Tag : fantastic art
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Fantasy Art of Fantasio featuring the music of Glyn R. Brown

Slideshow -reel -copyright by Fantasio fine Arts / Oliver Wetter.

The first collaboration with a musician, my favorite song for years now by Glyn R. Brown !
check out his website:

My intention was merely to underline the atmosphere of the soundtrack, creating a strange vision fitting the fantasy creatures and portraits to the composition with the right timing and chosing the right images /colors -instead of showing just a slideshow with music.

Thats the reason i won´t show the complete images, they´ve often more height than width, if you like to see some of the pieces in full, head over to

But i have to note, its just the second time i use "imovie", so i´m quite a newbie to the possibilites of doing movieclips. If someone has suggestions, knows better tools, etc. please let me know.
I´d like to do a sci-fi setting and one with the darker -artworks also if time permits.

Music by Glyn R. Brown / used with permission

code pour embarquer la vidéo : >>>    <<<


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